Former Military Wife Life
You can take the husband out of the army, but you can’t take the army out of him or his family!
Today, I am sharing a picture dedicated to all of those men and women in uniform! As we are about to celebrate the 4th of July, it’s important that we remember what we’re actually celebrating and why!
After 30+ years of watching my husband come and go, to wars that would take him away from me and his children, I know all to well the sacrifices that the soldier and their family members endure! The deployments, the schools, the moving every few years, taking your children away from their friends and everything they know, to place them somewhere new, having a baby without him here, Red Cross messages, faxes to tell him that I was pregnant! Yes my friends, this was our life, before there was internet or cell phones!
So today I want to give a special shout out, because I don’t need a holiday to do so, to all of the men and women in uniform, past and present, and their families, for all they endure to ensure that we are free every day!🇺🇸
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Tina a huge shout to you and our Kids, for without your continued support of the warfighter we would not have the most professional, capable, and lethal military in the world. Our nation was born under the clouds of cannon smoke and musket fire, and as it was then, it is still true today, behind the warfighter are the families for which the American service member answers the call.. To all my brother and sisters in arms, a very Happy Independence Day, your sacrifices will always be appreciated and remembered.
Thanks babe! Thank YOU for all you’ve done, and all the sacrifices you have made for all of us! I love you!