
Life and Home Decor

Farmhouse Sink Installation

Alright ya’ll…I’m finally getting around to writing about our farmhouse sink install that we completed a few weeks ago!🙌🏻 And when I say we, I mean he! 🤣

First, what are some things that you guys want to know about having a farmhouse sink? I know for me, I really wanted a single bowl sink forever, but my mother in law kept saying, “how will you keep the dirty dishes on one side and clean on the other?” But I couldn’t understand what the issue was because I don’t wash dishes this way! lol Usually we use the dishwasher, and when we don’t, we wash and rinse one thing at a time. So that is definitely a personal preference! You can get them in a single bowl, double bowl, two different size bowls, fireclay(which is mine), copper and even stainless Steele! I’ve also heard that farmhouse sinks can be much lower than a person is used to, so your back can hurt while leaning over them. Our cabinets seem to be higher than most so we don’t have that problem!

The first thing that you need to decide when getting one, after the style, is what size you need. You need to measure your cabinet underneath your sink, from one wall to the other from the inside! Keep in mind that farmhouse sinks are also very deep, so you need to make sure that you have the depth to hold it underneath! We have granite countertops and didn’t want to change them out, so we knew we were gonna have to cut out the granite, and we were both nervous for that! Will had never cut granite before, so it was a little scary! He bought a blade that is made for granite and we dove in carefully!

Also, you need to decide if you want your sink to be flush with the sink like ours, or if you want it below the countertop. We originally wanted it below, but because of how far back our cabinets went, and the way the countertops are shaped, we ended up having to make it flush. I love the way it turned out though!

I will post some video below of how he did it all! If you have any questions at all, please feel free to comment below! When I know you all are enjoying my content, it makes it much nicer to come here and write it all down for you guys! 😊

I kept calling the cabinet doors cabinets!🤦🏻‍♀️
He used a water bottle to moisten the dust a little bit and help the blade glide easier.
Important corner edges tip!
You’ll want to do a “dry run” after cutting with the sink to make sure everything is ok and you don’t need to do any touch ups!
It was a perfect fit but boy was it scary when they were putting it in! 😬
Now time for the faucet! 😍
Woot woot!! It is complete!! Other than putting the cabinet doors back on! 🙌🏻

You can find the sink, the faucet, and the grid here at MR Direct! They are such a great company that I teamed up with! Their products are wonderful quality and everything is beautiful!

The sink is the 415 Fireclay, Apron Front, single bowl sink found Here

The faucet is the 766-ABR Antique Bronze Spring Spout and it can be found here Here

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