
Life and Home Decor

The Thrill of Being Featured!

Ya’ll…the best part about my job as a Brand Influencer so far, is when I impress a company so much with my ads that they want me to do more! Or when a company messages me and asks to share my photos on their social media! Let me tell you…it is an amazing feeling!

It started with Ballard Designs asking me back in February when I first began, to feature my bedding that I bought from their site, and since then, they have asked me the same question several times! If you look on their website, you will see MY bedroom, ok, sorry honey, OUR bedroom displayed a few times! Below you’ll find a few pics of our bedroom that I have shared! I get asked all the time where I bought my bedding from, so now I am excited to share that you can now click right into my bedding link on to see or purchase it!

Then, Downlite Bedding sent me two free pillows and asked me to do an ad for them on my Instagram account! Speaking of that, their pillows are so great that Will keeps stealing them from me! You will also find that ad below, and if you’re interested, they are still offering my followers 15% off of any order on their site with my discount code(just enter DYGEN15 at checkout)! You can find them at They loved my ad so much that they asked to send me more product to do more ads! Ummmm….free product? Yes please! P.S…my Downlite Bedding ad below is of my daughter, Alex and my very soon to be daughter in law, Aana! 😉

So there ya have it! This is what I do, and I absolutely love it! My passion for decorating turned into photographer, editor, decorator, and advertisor! Didn’t ever see it coming, but sometimes the best things in life aren’t planned!

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