
Life and Home Decor

Let’s Talk About Wallpaper

Some people love it, some people hate it! And then there’s people like me who have flip flopped throughout the years!

At one time, wallpaper was pretty permanent. It took a lot of work to get it on with glue and it was super messy! And let’s not even mention how hard it is to take off!🤦🏻‍♀️ Fast forward to today… now, there’s something called peel and stick! Not only does it peel off easy, like a sticker does, without any damage to your walls, but today’s wallpaper is so much cuter than it used to be!🙌🏻 I suppose at one time we thought it was cute too! 😂 But looking back, I keep saying, what were we thinking?🤷🏻‍♀️

My husband built shelving on either side of our fireplace last year, and I’ve been struggling with what to do above them since they’ve appeared! I’ve had arches, I’ve had mirrors(and still do), but it still was not cutting it for me! Something was missing! Then one day, I thought, wallpaper! Maybe that will be the character that I’ve been looking for! The search then began!

I know that the Magnolia Collection at Target had some cute designs, so I began the hunt online there! I wanted something subtle, not too much in your face. But I also wanted to add a boho farmhouse touch. There were a couple contenders, but I finally settled on one called Pick-Up Sticks. It pretty, it’s simple, and it was perfect for what I wanted! There are so many options, and I have my eye on a different one for our half bath Reno! 🙌🏻

You can find the link here…

Word of caution though, I noticed in the reviews that people were complaining about it not sticking so well. I used it anyway and thought, eh, it’s sticking just fine for me! But then the next day, I did notice some bubbling, so I had to go over it again with the spatula to flatten it out. I had just painted the space two days before and read that making sure it’s a clean, dry space before applying is the best way to do it. So before wallpapering, make sure the area is clean and dry. And if you paint first, wait a few days to apply for best results! I waited two, but maybe waiting another day would have helped!

As for ease to apply, it was so easy! This was the first time that I’ve applied wallpaper and I didn’t have any issues! The hardest part are the corners, but you get the hang of it!

This was before the wallpaper and before painting the walls!
This is after! It’s hard to see in this pic because it is so subtle, and the lighting in here is so hard to get a good pic! Check out my Tiktok video below to see it better!

Let me know if you have any questions! Remember, it is peel and stick and temporary! If you put it up and you don’t like it, you can peel it right back off again!

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